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    Melissa is a dedicated professional who has been engaged in the health care industry for two decades! After a period of many years struggling with her own health issues and happiness, Melissa discovered the way to address and resolve the problem was through holistic methods.


    This means that there wasn’t one “quick fix”, one panacea, or magic pill. Instead, all aspects of one’s life had to meld together harmoniously to bring health and happiness: a fulfilling career, meaningful and healthy relationships, good nutrition, regular exercise, joy and spirituality.


    My goal is to support and educate that will allow you to discover confidence in yourself, in making the best health decisions, listening and feeling what your body and mind are telling you. All the tools to know what is right for you are already within you waiting to be released – a very powerful, liberating process.

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    7 Top Hacks For A

    Healthy Home Office

    Click the link below to download this essential guide to regaining control of your health & wellbeing while working from home.

  • Revolutionize Remote Work Masterclass

    Optimize the way you work from home and how it affects your health!

  • What is the Well Way?

    Quite simply put, a health coach assists you to get healthier and happier. Health Coaching is a process that facilitates healthy, sustainable behaviour change by challenging you to develop your inner wisdom, identify your values, and transform your goals into action. What a personal trainer is to personal fitness, a health coach is to health.

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    We are each unique, and have different needs and thus require different paths to achieve the optimum functionality of all these life aspects. Our goal is to support you along a journey to discover exactly what works for you.


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    We want to support and educate in a way that will allow you to discover confidence in yourself, in making the best health decisions, listening and feeling what your body and mind are telling you.



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    The goal is to restore the vitality in you. You will feel alive, satisfied and energized after eating, light and energetic in your body, waking up excited for what the day has in store for you, laughing full and hard along the way, and going to sleep at peace.

  • Why Work With A Health Coach?

    7 Reasons to Start Today

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    You are stressed out with family and work responsibilities.

    You struggle with finding a work life and personal life balance. You feel like you are unable to give yourself fully to either and you feel like you can’t give the best of yourself to either. If you suffer from stress or anxiety, a health coach will teach you about the relationship between stress and chronic disease, how to reset your priorities, and how to get your stress under control, while bringing back balance to your priorities.

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    You are confused whether meat, protein, carbs, dairy, coffee, or GMO foods are healthy.

    Every existing diet conflicts with every other diet. How can you tell what is healthy for you? A health coach will help you determine what foods are healthy for YOU and what will work for YOU.

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    You have tried all the latest fads, nothing has worked or lasted.

    You tried the latest Keto diet and weren’t able to sustain it. Strict diets usually don’t work. First you severely restrict yourself, and when you lose the weight, the diet ends and you don’t know how to eat on a normal, daily basis. A health coach will teach you how to make healthy decisions one meal at a time!

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    You've thought about them, just never quite met them.

    You signed up for a race but somehow didn’t find the time to train enough and ended up cancelling it. You were determined this month not to go into credit card debt but somehow you misjudged your spending again. There are these goals that other people seem to reach but you can’t. You blame yourself or have an excuse but still feel shame and frustration. A health coach is there to support you to reach your goals, help define clear goals, develop an action plan to get you there, overcome possible obstacles that can get in the way and hold you accountable for the steps along the way.

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    Not Enough Time

    There is never enough time, and you come last.

    There are only so many hours in a day and you simply don’t have any time to devote to yourself for exercise, or to cook or to manage your stress or do the things you used to love doing. A health coach will help empower you to finally take care of yourself and bring back the activities in your life that fulfill you and give you joy.

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    Accountability and Support

    You might commit better if you were being held to your goals.

    There is plenty of research to show that we get things accomplished when someone is checking in on us. A coach will back you up so that you are getting momentum on your goals. A coach is also there is help you solve any obstacles that happen along the way. No matter what you are going to your finish line!

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    You Know You Need To Eat Better

    Your family needs to eat better, but you aren’t sure how to accomplish that with what you know or with the time you have

    There are cookbooks, diet books, commercials, restaurants, and products labeled “healthy” on the market, and you need to improve your and your family’s diet. How do you get everyone on board? That’s what a health coach is there for!

  • The Well Way Services

    Something that works for everyone.

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    Healthy and High Functioning

    • Complimentary Health Discovery Session
    • Six on line modules
    • 3 30-minute one-on-one coaching sessions with myself
    • Support and accountability
    • 12 weeks supply of Organic Complete 21 Real-Food Vitamins and Minerals
    • Setting clear and attainable health goals
    • 5 simple rules that will change how you eat forever
    • Learning how to make exercise a habit that you love
    • Learn how to build adequate and proper sleeping habits
    • Learn how to manage your time so you can finally include taking care of yourself
    • Understand stress how it is affecting you, how to manage it and change it
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    Corporate Wellness or Personalized

    Get a quote


    • Are you looking to create a healthy and productive workspace?  Talk to me about how to do just that!
    • Corporate Lunch and Learns
    • Corporate Health Webinars 
    • Would you prefer to go on an appointment-to-appointment plan?
    • Let me put together something to better suit your needs!
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    Revolutionize Remote Work

    Join this revolution and in only 12 weeks get the solutions and systems to make your home office a healthy and productive one!
    • 12 weeks of email support and accoutanbility
    • 1 Private Coaching Session with Melissa
    • 6 One Hour Modules that will take you step by step to transforming your office and the way you work to support your health


  • Testimonials

    Don't just take my word for it!

    Bill Hughes


    "Following a significant injury with an extended recovery period my overall health was not returning as I felt it should. It was obvious to me that my clothes weren’t fitting and that my energy level was low but what wasn’t clear to me was why I felt this way and what I could do about it. About 9 months ago, through a stroke of luck, I stumbled across Melissa and today I have a healthier body and a happier mind. We established a balanced approach to my life, that recognized and accepted my love of great food and wine, and happily, my results were painless, measurable and permanent. I’m getting my “mojo” back! Melissa’s knowledge, caring and abundant encouragement were key ingredients to getting through the process, but for me, the ongoing accountability factor puts her at a different level. It’s the variable that was most important to me achieving my outcome and its longevity."



    "I can't recommend health coaching with Melissa highly enough. I wasn't entirely sure what I needed when I started working with her and she guided me to understanding my health and my relationship to nutrition with empathy and support. She offered realistic, sustainable pathways for making the changes I wanted to see. I came out of my coaching with Melissa with concrete strategies and optimism about my health, which has shifted my whole outlook. She's amazing!"

    Nick Negahbhan

    Business Owner

    "When I began working with Melissa I had issues eating healthy food properly. I also had consistent stomach issues, and due to my pre-existing illness, I was always tired and didn't sleep well. Ever since I started working with Melissa, I have seen a significant change in my eating habits - I learned how to eat properly! It may sound like an odd thing to say, however there are many different aspects to the eating process that we forget. As well, my energy level has changed completely. I used to rely on drinking coffee throughout the day but now I give my body the proper nutrition that it needs. Therefore, it automatically keeps me going without having to rely on grande americanos at 3pm. I also learned about the connection between my sleep and my eating habits. My favourite part of working with Melissa is experiencing the passion she has to see her clients succeed. I am not the easiest person to work with and I often don't follow through with changing my habits. But Melissa has been consistent and has been following my progress throughout my whole journey. She finds innovative ways to make me think differently about my health and it works for me!"

    Tanya LePage

    Vice President of Operations

    "Deciding to commence coaching with Melissa has proven to be a great catalyst for some big changes in my life. I initially contacted Melissa with specific goals in mind around my weight, overall health and fitness. It was 3 months after the birth of my second baby, in the midst of a pandemic and with a busy 3.5 year old at home – needless to say that things were hectic and stressful. I clearly wasn’t the best version of myself and I realized that, in order to feel better, I needed to make my health a priority.


    Since the beginning of our sessions, Melissa has been nothing but supportive and encouraging. It often felt I had both a coach and cheerleader by my side each step of the way, always identifying things that I achieved from one session to the next. She asks the real questions which I had avoided asking myself for some time, but she does it in a caring and nurturing way and then takes the time and space to listen and understand.


    In the 6 sessions we worked together I achieved many things and came to a lot of realizations about myself. I learned how I want to eat, what foods make me feel great, along with what type of food I want to feed my family. I learned how best to prioritize my fitness and I got crystal clear on my health plan moving forward. Our whole family is eating double the amount of veggies we were eating before, which is making us all feel much better. I have lost close to my goal of 20lbs in the last 4 months and I have never felt more vibrant and energetic.


    Melissa has been invaluable in reawakening my true strength and potential. Her insight and honesty are so heartfelt and I am extremely thankful for the opportunity to work together."

    Martin Alcorta

    Physicist, TRIUMF

    “I attended a lunchtime webinar Melissa gave at our company for help on setting up a healthy home office. At the time I was suffering from some shoulder pain, and Melissa was nice enough to give me a one-on-one session after the webinar. She emphasized how important the location and setting of my home office was, and gave some exercises I could do for my shoulder. She also recommended I purchase a stand-up desk (and gave some very affordable options as well!). I am grateful for her help as she made me realize a small investment in a home office was well worth the improvement in my health. One year later I use my stand-up desk almost exclusively and my shoulder pain has greatly improved as a result. Thanks Melissa!”

    AnnMarie Bayuk

    Education Chairperson, Medical Office Association of BC

    "The Well Way seminar provided the group with strategies and ideas that focus on caring for ourselves so we could better care for others and become more confident in ourselves to make good life decisions. The presentation highlighted how nutrition, exercise, and the mind together influence our well being. It also addresses behaviours and habits that undermine our efforts to establish and maintain positive outcomes for meaningful change. Life seems to have gotten very busy and there never are enough hours in the day. We can easily forgo eating properly, skip the gym, and get unconnected.


    Melissa is very passionate about helping people achieve a healthy and balanced lifestyle. It is evidentin her presentation. The power point and hand outs are very instructive. The group discussion was very engaging. Many shared their experiences with stress and not being able to afford themselves the “me” time needed for rejuvenation. The group appreciated Melissa‘s openness in answering all their questions.


    This was a very good Seminar."

    Mario Rojas

    Service Delivery Manager

    "If my memory serves me correctly, the day of our last meeting is the day I tested out my new set of clubs. I switched to one size clubs which have been getting a lot of hype since Bryson Dechambeau won the 2020 US open. These clubs are considered unorthodox because all of irons are the same length which go against traditional designs of increasing the length the lower you get into the irons. The reason why I bring this up is because my game elevated immensely since making the switch. This really simplified the game for me as setting up to strike the ball became more uniform with every shot. This is exactly what I felt when I began working with Melissa, she simplified many areas of my life that were a mess and provided me with the best shot to succeed.

    Working with Melissa was a life changing experience. She helped me reach new heights in my personal development and finally succeed at long-standing personal health goals. She is extremely personable and has the ability to connect with her clients quickly and begin to work with them at whatever life stage they're in. She is trustworthy, always encouraging, and a patient and insightful guide through life experiences in pursuit of goals and dreams. Overall, I’m a more confident and fulfilled individual today as a result of Melissa’s coaching."

    Sarah-Kate Skinner

    Director of Merchandising

    “Before working with Melissa I found myself struggling with my physical weight and a heavy mind; I wasn't living the way I wanted to and I thought a coach could help me.


    While working with Melissa I noticed that my optimism returned, as well as clarity about what was a priority for me. Even with years of self-development, I found many unexpected benefits from The Well Way format. I loved the self- directed online learning because I could fit into my busy schedule and then the 1x1 calls were great as a way to ask questions or reinforce lessons learnt.


    Melissa shows up positive, willing to hold me accountable, and is knowledgeable. She is very thoughtful and thorough and as part of our closing call she recapped all the progress I had made which surprised even me!


    The Healthy and High Functioning Program was excellent!”

    Emma Treharne

    Director of Nuveya

    Stryker Well-Being Week

    "Melissa was part of our Well-being Week to launch an ongoing programme of support reaching 14,000 employees across the international region. She delivered an engaging workshop, offering simple stackable habits to help individuals and teams with their health by implementing small manageable adaptations to daily life. She was fun and professional and the responses to the session were really positive.


    All levels of employees were taken into account - and I appreciated her level of professionalism from the beginning.


    Melissa is one of those unique women, who brings her passion into everything she does. She supports teams through years of practical experience and researched knowledge. She was a pleasure to work with."

    Robyn Leuty

    Higher Education Professional

    "Melissa provided the external motivation and accountability I needed to get my health back on track. Even though I knew what needed to be adjusted in my lifestyle routines and habits, I needed a gentle push in the right direction. Melissa provided opportunities to reflect on my relationships with eating, sleeping, and overall health and really explore the source of some of my underlying habits and perceptions. Through structured and sequential online and remote sessions, Melissa was able to help me initiate and maintain forward momentum towards making sustainable changes to my eating, sleeping, and overall self-management practices. A critical element to Melissa's practice is validating and celebrating your progress as you achieve your goals. She really sees and honours the commitment to health and wellbeing, and for me that is what made my experience with Melissa and The Well Way so successful."


    Contact us to set up your free health history.


    For in-person sessions at the Electra Health Floor, book here.

    For one-to-one sessions by Zoom, Skype, FaceTime or Telephone, book here 

    or fill out the contact form below.

  • The Well Way Blog

    Thoughts, musings, and ruminations.

    This is a big, juicy, and challenging topic, but it's crucial for our health. Alcohol is...
    **Wild Definition:** Living or growing in the natural environment, not domesticated or cultivated...
    Being healthy is hard; it must be as currently, 45% of Canadians grapple with chronic illnesses....
  • Questions? We would love to hear from you!

    Send us an email or give us a call and we will get right back you.



    Let's Stay Social!

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    Email: Melissa@thewellway.ca

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    Phone: 604.723.5399

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