New Year’s resolutions have become kind of cliché. It’s seems like an old story that gym or yoga classes are jam-packed only for the month of January and during that time we see all the stores selling their various cleanses. Despite the typical “New Years’ Resolution” period, I sometimes hear people say that they are always in a period of self-reflection, regardless of time of year, and yet somehow I doubt someone can always be in a state of self-reflection, and perhaps that’s not the most efficient way to do it anyway.
However, with anything that is, there is an underlying truth. Why do people like to make changes in the New Year?
I think it is actually a great time to reflect on the year or years past and dream of what the future holds.
After the holiday season has settled and we’ve moved past the usual peak excess, we usually have a little more time on our hands, while the weather is usually bad, and classes and courses begin. It’s a great time of year to plan for a summer holiday, organize your finances and think about taxes and RRSP contributions. It naturally seems like a time of renewal – after all the days are starting to get longer again – so why not just work with that energy.
Well then why doesn’t that energy get most of us past January? May I suggest the answer to this… it’s because we didn’t make a plan! We throw out blanket statements: “This is my year…my year to ______!“, where you just fill in the blank with “get fit”, “find love”, “organize my finances”, “get a new job”, “read more”, etc., or all of the above!
What we fail to appreciate is making change is hard, so coming up with a firm strategy is totally necessary to make sure our dreams come true. Support is often needed for us to reach our potential.
Remember when you didn’t always brush your teeth? Your parents had to remind you to brush them, in fact mine even had to check my toothbrush to see if it had actually been used! But one day, you just did it on your own without reminding. I’m going to bet now not a day goes by that you don’t brush your teeth, in fact you don’t even have to think about it, you just do it. So how do you go from not doing it to not even having to think about it?
I know how and I would love to share it with you. I’m offering a New Year’s Special Workshop of two private 55 min sessions to get a plan in place and set you up to have pursuing your new dreams or desires become as automatic brushing your teeth!!
It’s time to sit in the boss’s chair of your life, take hold of your dreams and make them a reality, I will be your support staff.